Our Solutions

Serving in the EV Industry Since 2015

We provide exclusive support, resources, training, and connections to help our partners gain a competitive advantage in the EV market. Our partners allow us to deliver our products wherever and whenever EV charging is needed, and reach markets and verticals that we couldn’t reach on our own. Working together, we’re improving the availability and accessibility of EV charging infrastructure across the world.

Residential Services

Start Everyday Fully Charged!

Easily Accessible Charging Facilities

With chargers in your home or apartment, you will never experience the anxiety of searching for a public charging station again.

Minimize Obstacles during Construction

AC chargers are safe for home charging, come at a reasonable cost, and take up little space.

Manage User Authentication and Billing

Because our chargers have the capability for user authentication and connection to a back-end system, users will only be billed for their own charging sessions.

Recharge While You're Busy Elsewhere!!

Eliminate Driving Range Anxiety

With chargers deployed at your business site, you can ease the anxiety of your customers and employees and enhance their satisfaction.

Seamless Implementation with a Turnkey Solution

Overall site planning and construction services minimize your efforts to provide the charging service.

Create a New Income Stream

Membership and billing management provide an additional income stream through EV charging fees.

Commercial Services
Industrial Services

Shorten the Time Get Back on the Road!!!

Add Greener Value to Existing Business

Integrate EV charging into existing businesses such as petrol stations and utility services.

Dispatch Energy Efficiently

Combine energy storage and renewable energy into existing sites to optimize energy efficiency and reduce electricity costs.

Manage Charger and Energy Efficiency

Optimize operating costs by ensuring maximum availability of charging services as well as increased energy efficiency.

Are you looking for EV charging services?

Give us a call on +91 848 888 5301