Partner with us

Building the future together

We provide exclusive support, resources, training, and connections to help our partners gain a competitive advantage in the EV market. Our partners allow us to deliver our products wherever and whenever EV charging is needed, and reach markets and verticals that we couldn’t reach on our own. Working together, we’re improving the availability and accessibility of EV charging infrastructure across the world.

We Provide Flexible
Business Models For Our Partners.

Hybrid Owned

Perfect for service locations, Host Owned option is for those who want to be the sole owner and operator of their EV charging stations.

Focal Charge Owned

We provide the installation, equipment, operations, and administration and share a portion of the revenues with the host.

Host Owned

Perfect for service locations, Host Owned option is for those who want to be the sole owner and operator of their EV charging stations.

Let’s partner with us and become a certified charging partner.

Contact us for dealership and contracts.

Partner with us